
Vijay Upadhyaya has been travelling regularly to remote valleys in the Himalayas over the past 30 years and has been inspired by the grandeur and beauty of the region. At the same time he has been observing the disappearance of cultures and the intangible cultural heritage in this region. Having visited a large part of the Himalayas in India, Nepal, Bhutan and China, his photography builds a contrast to his musical activities.

Due to globalization and modern media, the cultural identity of the minorities and tribes in this region is disappearing rapidly and owing to global warming, entire landscapes are changing. Glaciers are receding rapidly in the Himalayan region, causing water shortage and the abandonment of villages. His photography attempts to capture these rare cultures as they disappear.

On the other hand he has started a new gardening project and a new nature photography related episode has also commenced.

His travel and gardening photography are a source of inspiration and energy for his compositions. There is time for contemplation and reflection on priorities in life. As a conductor one has to take constant decisions for oneself and many others. In the context of the overwhelming dimension of nature one can feel ones minuteness. Here one is shown that the ego in the material world has absolutely no importance.